English speaker wanted in Montpellier. If you’ve made it to this page, it probably means you are fluent in English. Which probably means that you are from another country. Believe it or not, the simple fact that you speak English and that you are a foreigner makes you an instant hit with kids!!
Kids?… Yes, kids. Every year, The French-American Center organizes mini conferences in schools in and around Montpellier. .
Click here below some pictures of previous visits.
Every time we do a conference (about once a month), we take along as many english speaking people as we can to come, meet the kids, speak some English to them, share their different cultures, and have fun.
So if you would be interested in volunteering some time, let us know!
The French American Center Blog
Are you a fan of writing? A gifted journalist? Maybe you’re a student in Montpellier and you’ve got things to say! Why not contribute an article to be posted on the French American Center blog? Contact us.
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in getting involved in the Montpellier community on a voluntary basis? If so, let us know. Besides the opportunity to join us with our school conferences, there are lots of ways to share your time while your here in Montpellier.
My time at the French-American Center
My time at the French-American Center turned out to be a lot more than what I first expected it would be. I went in thinking that I would be the person who would just help with filing paperwork, but that was definitely not the case. I thoroughly loved the interactions with all of the members and the teachers that occurred on an everyday basis.
I really liked the opportunity that was presented to better my French not only in person, but also over the phone with the reference checks. Among all that I also improved my translation skills. All in all, the FAC really helped me to become more confident with my French speaking and comprehension because it provided an atmosphere where I realized that having an accent does not mean that people cannot understand what is being said.
For those future interns, I would just say that they have to be open to learning and to taking initiative.
The FAC is so busy that assignments cannot be given out on a regular basis-you kind of have to learn what needs to be done, but once you get into the swing of things, it feels great being able to help someone get one step closer to accomplishing their dream of going to the USA or of learning that much more English.
Everyone that comes to the French American Center is genuinely interested in English and anglophone countries and that makes it a very relaxing and fun atmosphere in which to work.
I wish you all the best with the new class with the sports coaches and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to contact me! I’ll miss everyone at the FAC–please let Amina know that I send her all my best.
Until our next meeting, be it in Montpellier, England, or the States 🙂
– Ralitza
I enjoyed my time at the center and learned a lot about the french work environment.
It was a great way to practice and improve my french on a weekly basis.
I would recommend the Center to anyone considering this internship because it will improve their understanding of the french work place as well as their speaking skills.
– Matt
As for the time I spent at the French-American Center, I would have to say that it was, without a doubt, the most beneficial thing I did while abroad.
I had a great time, learned A TON, and did so many things that, before going to France, I would never have imagined myself doing.
It was great for meeting new people and breaking out of the box and trying new things. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
– Ben
My experience with the center was better than I could have ever expected. Working there helped me meet many different types of French people ranging from the ages of 2-60! Meeting, talking, and working with them really broadend my ideas of what « French » is.
It was so excellent to work with people who were so open about different cultures. I also loved being able to be responsible for projects. It was so much fun to go into the high school and talk to high school kids about American life and break down their ideas of what it was.
To do this I contacted people on the MN program to see who would be interested in going to the high schools. Doing this also allowed me to make more contacts with people on my program. I also loved helping out in little kid english classes!
It was frustrating at first since it is difficult to teach English to little kids! And I didnt understand their French that well, but after awhile it got easier. One of my favorite things to do was helping to organize the elections breakfast. I got to be interviewd on the radio and tv! It felt good to be a part of something important and meaningful.
I was suprised by how many people showed up for the breakfast! I’m glad I had the oppurtunity to offer my fellow students a place to watch the American elections and allow the French to see how Americans really felt about American politics.
Besides those things, working with Jeanette was fun, just helping her out with her projects. I feel so lucky to have had such a great oppurtunity. Kira Wickman. 2005
Thanks Kira!!