The French American Center of Montpellier


Contactez nous ! 04 67 92 30 66

American Students in MontpellierAmericans Students in Montpellier. What can The French American Center do for you. We can make you feel welcome, introduce you to locals. But also help you to learn French and involve you in our activities and events.

All our services are free of charge to anglophone members.

Introduce you to French students and families who want to get to know you.

We have around five hundred active members who are French and who are motivated by cultural exchange with English speaking people. They will make you very welcome.

Invite you to Parties and events

We organise a party each mont hand you are always welcome to participate. Every Wednesday at four pm you can come to our tea party and meet our members.

Find you Language Partners

You can exchange with a French person (or several) who we will match you up with according to your profile. You will be able to improve your French and they will work on their English. Just fill out the form here.

American Students in Montpellier.

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch now !

Contact us. Or telephone us at 04 67 92 30 66 or just come and see us any time, we are open from 9h30 to 12 and from 14h00 to 18H30 from Montday to Friday. See you soon !

You can also volunteer occasional days help for events such as halloween and valentine’s day etc. or for days spent giving lectures and talks in local high schools.